Kabosu, the beloved Shiba Inu who became the iconic face of the 'Doge' meme and Dogecoin, has passed away.


Kabosu, the beloved Shiba Inu dog celebrated in countless memes and credited with inspiring the creation of Dogecoin cryptocurrency, has passed away, as confirmed by her owner.

Kindergarten teacher Atsuko Sato, 62, shared the news on her blog, expressing gratitude to all who cherished Kabosu. In a heartfelt post, she recounted Kabosu's peaceful passing at 7:50 a.m., gently slipping away as if asleep while being comforted.

Though adopted, Kabosu, believed to be around 18 years old, captured hearts worldwide after Sato posted a photo of her with a quizzical expression in 2010. By 2013, the image had gone viral, giving rise to the "Doge" meme phenomenon. Kabosu's endearing face adorned with phrases like "much wow" and "such freeze, much frosty" became emblematic of the internet's whimsy and humor.

In December 2013, Dogecoin was created by two software engineers, drawing inspiration from Kabosu. Originally a jest, the cryptocurrency has since become a significant player in the market, endorsed by figures like Elon Musk.

The Dogecoin team expressed gratitude for Kabosu's enduring impact, emphasizing her role in shaping countless lives with her boundless joy and love. They encouraged others to honor her memory and carry her spirit forward.

Kabosu's legacy extends beyond the digital realm. In 2021, an NFT featuring her image sold for $4 million, and earlier this year, her hometown of Sakura unveiled a bronze statue in her honor.

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